
The reason you are seeing fewer Russian tank kills in the last 2 weeks is they aren't using them on current fronts right now. They are sitting ducks in the current state of warfare. Russia is losing tanks far faster than they can replace them. Since the war started over two years ago, more than 7900 tanks have been lost. Many of those were models from the 80s and 90s, then the rolled tanks from the 60s and 70s out of storage. Currently, tanks from the 50s era are being used. Some of the T 90s have been destroyed but it's rare to see them on the battlefield anymore.

7900 lost in a little over 2 years, and they can make about 100 a year to replace them.

"Russia is producing less than 100 T-90's a year, even after ramping up production for wartime. Intelligence suggests production could even be much lower than 100, at less than 30 per year.

"...production of newly built T-90Ms could be as low as between 23–28 for 2024. What this means is that the current production of T-90Ms is mostly reliant on the number of upgradeable T-90As, of which stocks are dwindling. An open-source analyst suggests that there were only 50 T-90As still in store as of late 2023. These were in addition to the IISS figure of about 100 T-90As in active service as of early of 2024"