Insurance questions

Turns out insurance denied my claim as the damage sustained from the water was caused by the flashing on my roof not being high enough (it’s a weird build).

The roofer isn’t taking any of the blame either as the project manager said “I’m sorry that I didn’t catch that when we built your roof. We can come back out and add the flashing, but it would require us to rebuild that part of your roof, and we only redo roofs, we don’t build homes.”

To me it sounds like the roofer is to blame and he is of course trying not to look like it's his fault. Maybe talk to Chucky, another lawyer or two, get a quote from a different roofer to see how much it will cost to fix the roof, and see if you can get the guy who did your roof, to do it right the second time, or get your roof fixed, and take the contractor to court (If a lawyer thinks you have a case).

I'm surprised the roofer wasn't more willing to fix it. Isn't flashing what roofers install??? My old home I had a new roof installed, a few shingles sorta dislodged, and he fixed it for a small fee. Maybe ask the roofer how much he will fix it for, and if it's reasonable, call it a learning experience?!?!

I'm not a lawyer, but it definitely sounds like it's the roofer's fault, from the information you presented. People make mistakes, so it's probably best to see, if you and the contractor can just settle this out out court. This is just my opinion, I don't know the whole story, but I hope it works out.