New Star Wars series The Acolyte

I enjoyed it, so here's my wild theory...

What if, and I know it's a yuge bigly stretch, but hey, it's my sperler tag and I'll do what I want. What if one of the members of the coven survived somehow (namely the non-bio mom), and decided to immerse herself into the dark side of the force for revenge w/o necessarily becoming a sith, she went solo since she already is force or thread (or whatever it was called)-sensitive. She became basically the equivalent of a Sith in power, was able to turn a crystal red, and began to bide her time. She tracks down Mae after several yrs once she's powerful enough and trains her via zoom or long distance or however she did it so Mae wouldn't find out her ID. As part of the murder 4 Jedi's Mae revenge tour, she hopes to draw out Osha somehow knowing that she would get blamed for Indara's death since Mae was considered dead and she wants to have both girls under her control. The minute it (she?) tilted its (her?) head without killing Osha outright is what made this left-field theory spring into my head along with its (her?) somewhat slight build. Just my 2 pesos...