USA Today Ranks Dennis Allen Worst Head Coach in the League

If i was 14 or maybe even 24, I could probably delude myself into thinking Allen might turn things around. I mean, I was a young adult when Ditka was here and I believed.

I've watched the NFL and just life now for far too long to be so naive. I don't have black and gold colored glasses. A loser is a loser. Allen is and always will be a bad HC. He has neither the personality, demeanor, schematic or leadership abilities to excel.

He's the definition of uninspiring. Everything about this dude screams middle manager. He's probably best suited as a secondary coach. I don't think he's a good DC. His defenses weren't bad but they failed at every critical matter that meant something in big games or pressure situations.
I’ve been saying it for years. Alan‘s defenses aren’t horrible at a distance. But once you start looking closely, you see issues all around. From players making stupid penalties, to allowing fourth-quarter comebacks, to downright just screwing the pooch when it really matters. I’ll say this again, five years from now he will not be a coordinator. He’ll be a secondary coach again. Allen’s defenses have good qualities, he is nowhere near what some fans say He is as a coordinator.