USA Today Ranks Dennis Allen Worst Head Coach in the League

I’ve been saying it for years. Alan‘s defenses aren’t horrible at a distance. But once you start looking closely, you see issues all around. From players making stupid penalties, to allowing fourth-quarter comebacks, to downright just screwing the pooch when it really matters. I’ll say this again, five years from now he will not be a coordinator. He’ll be a secondary coach again. Allen’s defenses have good qualities, he is nowhere near what some fans say He is as a coordinator.
How many other fanbases would love the DC who oversaw:

The Minneapolis Miracle
Failure to stop the Rams in multiple opps down the stretch in the NFCG No Call game
Failure to stop Tampa at all after Cook's fumble
Coming very close to choking the Carolina playoff game away

That's just the playoffs...So many regular season choke jobs.