
OK, what am I to make of this stupid report???

What's stupid about it is two unladen vessels are tied up to each other. If they are transferring cargo from one ship to the other, where is it being displaced??? If it floats it must be displaced, or it sinks. The cargo they are allegedly are transferring form the Norwegian boat to the Russian boat doesn't appear from even a distance distance to exist.

A ship is kind of like a bathroom scale, when one is innocently floating on the ocean minding their own business, the whole world can see it even from a distance and can tell what that ship is displacing. How much cargo of any kind they have on board.

2,000 tons is a tiny amount of anything. I don't call ships, ships until the are displacing about 5.000 tons, and 5,000 tons is a tiny ship. Anything smaller is a boat.

What is sounds like to me is the Norwegian boat may have transferred some white bait fish to the russian boat.

Then the Russian boat will transfer some of that bait fish to some other Russian fishing boats, to quite a few fishing boats. That's a lot of bait, but not much cargo. That much bait can become a big cargo if the fishing goes well.

Those nest eggs have not hatched yet. They aren't cargo yet.

That bait fish isn't a cargo, it's just something most boats in a fishing area have some on hand at all times. It's a local trade idem. One exchanges some of that kind of local trade idem for food, beer, or fuel.

Good people should ignore this.