'The Boys' new Amazon series coming in July...

Welp, my review of Season 4 so far is that I am really enjoying it. I legitimately have NO idea where they are going and who will do what; which for me as a writer/creator and avid tv/movie watcher is unusual. The traditional pure gross out scenes for some reason seems tamed down a bit. There are character arcs that seem to be moving forward. Now, it IS still graphic such as the
Human centipede giving himself rim jobs; which was utter disgusting. LOL. And the fight scene where they dispatched his bodies in various fashions. And Sister Sage's lobotomy.
But I am curious as to how this story will end.

Will A-Train complete his redemption arc? Will Hughie give his father the Compound V? Will Butcher survive long enough to get Ryan away from Homelander? Will Butcher survive period? Will Mother's Milk grow his beard back? Lol Will someone kill Homelander? Will they neutralize Victoria Neuman? And can someone please tell me why Kimiko told Frenchie that she and he will NEVER happen?
I was very unfortunately sat beside my mother when I watched that particular "rim job" episode, FFS. In the comic though Frenchie is in love with Kimiko's character but IIRC it never gets to the point where they explicity become lovers rather he's just obviously head over heels for her. She's a very different character in herself though, so who knows where they're going. I personally think the show it setting it up that she's a bit in denial about her feelings for him.

I don't remember exactly when it happened, but if I remember correctly, it was established that Frenchie is bi in a past season...
It was defintely confirmed in the show through flashbacks to his time with the French (I think) woman and the other man that was in their crew, I can't remember the names of either character but I wanna say it was season 2, whenever the Lamplighter arc was there I wanna say.