What you watching? - Quarantine Edition
So, I rarely watch those overly-popular cable shows when they aired originally (Disney+ Star Wars shows being an exception)... The Sopranos, Lost, Breaking Bad, to name a few. Even network shows like Seinfeld, or Friends (and I'll never watch that one).
Netflix has all seasons of The Walking Dead, so I decided to give it a try... and frankly, I have no idea how that show was so popular... overly dramatic, and it's episode after episode of people getting in bad situations because they're stupid. I have it on TV while I play video games, just so I can catch when main characters die, because I hate them all :hihi:
The only shows that, IMO, were worth of the hype were The Sopranos and Breaking Bad (reason why I watched Better Call Saul as it aired). Sons of Anarchy was good for about 4 seasons.