USA Today Ranks Dennis Allen Worst Head Coach in the League

Not cherry picking. That's our straight up playoff losses with him. There are a ton more regular season examples I just don't feel like digging up.

His defenses are absolute choke artists.

Absolute cherry picking.....the Saints were 65-32 with DA as the DC....and made the playoffs 4 out of 6 took him a total of 1 year (2016) to revamp the defense, the other year was the incredibly injury plagued last year with CSP....the defenses for a few years before his arrival were all time bad, historically bad......

And real post season success eluded us due to a number of factors on both sides of the ball and an outright purposely blown no-call by the officials....

I totally understand and agree with those that think DA has shown no ability thus far to effectively lead a team as a HC, but to say he is a poor DC is just not accurate....