Kansas Governor Signs Legislation In Hopes Of Luring The Chiefs

I suppose that ultimately the Missouri fans of the team can just drive a few minutes longer and still support their beloved team in a brand new stadium without having to get taxed to death to save their Chiefs.

It’s not like the Jets and Giants don’t have to cross the state line to enjoy the home games of their favorite team.
The Jets were actually the last NFL team to play in NYC market and might have remained their for a few years longer playing in Shea Stadium if they weren't treated like second-class tenants like Oakland Raiders were in old Coliseum as it relates to concessions, overall revenue and marketing compared to what both cities MLB teams were receiving. The Jets left Shea after the 1983 season and moved into the Meadowlands to become junior partners to the Giants main lease, they just received more of the overall revenue in that arrangement compared to what they'd made at Shea.

If the Chiefs and Royals move across state lines, it effectively means Missouri has lost its last NFL team and its third over the past 37 years and its second MLB team (Athletics left in 1968 for Oakland), over the past 56 years. The state will essentially become a MLB and NHL-only region and while the St. Louis Rams probably couldn't have been saved due to a terrible original lease agreement with Edward Jones Dome, the fact that Stan Kroenke disliked being in St. Louis from the start and once became majority owner, was determined to relocate elsewhere, maybe the Rams in St. Louis were a doomed proposition, the Chiefs were and still are a beloved sports institution and Missouri losing them even to a cross-state rival, would be an enormous blow to the state's reputation, civic pride, and self-image. Even though they'd be located a few miles down the road, they wouldn't be Missouri's team anymore.