
Get some snowshoes, cover them with asbestos tarp and go to town!
I got the asbestos, don't have the snowshoes.

I've got lots of asbestos rocks, and from the rocks I also have asbestos dust in my yard, already have that, asbestos grows natural like up here in the hills, from the rocks as they grow older, they age, crumble into dust.

I'll use that string on sentence above for the left foot, and this one right here for the right foot, to weave the webbing for the snowshoes you know, ought to be pretty good fiber to twist into string, to then wever into the web.

Now to find some hickory, or something kind of like hickory, I think I know where there's a seasoned board of hickory like wood for making the frames, I'll use this string on sentence for the string to tie them both to my feet, after I twist it into more string.

Sometimes one in the hills has to make their own stuff, if they want stuff anyway. I don't like all this climate change. I had everything well in order before this climate change.