Israel (now broader Mid East discussion)
It undoes the freedom fighter the sympathy credit they have been building up. They do that they're terrorists.
They’ve already been labeled terrorists by westerners. There never was any “sympathy”.
How many innocents have Hamas killed vs Israel? Let’s start there. Because if anyone actually cares about innocent lives lost to terrorism, they will start with the biggest source of that terrorism as that has the largest impact on human life.
In this conflict, that is by number, the IDF terrorists.
Yet one side is unequivocally the “terrorist” in the mind of Americans, and it’s NOT the IDF. Despite images of blown up kids. Of mass graves. Of infants with PTSD found in rubble.
Hook line and sinker. Rinse and repeat.
They do that, then Israel has ample justification to just kill them where they find them.
The Israeli terrorist IDF have proven they’ll kill children in their homes, in tent camps, in ambulances, etc. We have the proof of this. Endless proof.
Sounds like the IDF is long overdue for some of their own medicine, doesn’t it?
I’m not mad about it. Unlike some here, I have no dog in this fight. Let Hamas or the IDF get wiped out and I don’t lose a wink of sleep.
But you can’t keep committing one of the worst acts of terror in recent history as Israel is doing and not expect consequences. Talk about “dumb” moves! Yeesh….
But hey, I’m sure that everyone here would feel the same if Hamas were obliterating Israelis and leveling Israel right now.