37 Words

I think it's insane. I've no trouble with transgender, but they should compete in an appropriate setting. A mtf athlete gains insurmountable physical advantage via biology.

My opinion is transgender athletes compete with other similar transgender athletes in a new category.

To the parent of that transgender athlete, I get how they would have a different take. But the thing that gets me is that for 50 years, there was no debate on what a "woman" is. We knew who was a woman. And during that 50 years, it was still always .. and continued to be .. a battle. And now in the 51st and 52nd years, there is yet a new battle that the women of 1972 didn't have to overcome.

No one said back then, Hey, let the girls play or you'll risk them becoming suicidal and then their death will be on your head. But that's sometimes being said these days and no one's even allowed to counter that shutting down even being able to debate that.

But I really want to hear from you girl dads.