
Not AI as a reasonable useful definition of what AI would be. There is nothing of cognitive intelligence in creating, or modifying a video to have it show what you want.

Kangaroos actually do fight like that. That video could be real, or it could have been made by using a video of a real Kangaroo fight placing a sunset backdrop with it.

I have a special peeve about labeling advanced but otherwise ordinary computer programs as being AI. I have been interested in what would be real AI, and have thought about it a lot during my life.

My daughter picked up on that interest and has earned a degree in Cognitive Science. If we ever do manage to create a real AI, we will both be able be able to say we helped in that generational effort. My effort towards it being less than her's.

As it stands today there are no AI's in existence. I don't expect to live to see it. We've got some very advanced programing, some of those examples I've seen are impressive. my daughter might see it during her lifetime.