COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

Yeah, I've never understood the aversion to masks. I get that they can be and are uncomfortable, but they actually do work, even if not 100%. I mean, if it reduces the odds say 50% at the height of the pandemic, then I'll take that over nothing every day of the week. Or, if they reduce the odds of me spreading it by 50%, that works too.

It's always been about taking sensible measures to protect myself and those around me.
I'd rather wear a more "safer", secure N-95 mask that more then likely reduces the odds to contracting Covid by 75-80% then just 50-60% at the height of the pandemic like you suggest or infer you would.

If its my choice to make, Dave, I'm going to choose to wear a mask that gives me a higher percentage of safety four years ago then risking it 50/50 like a coin-flip risking getting Covid-19 before the vaccines came out in early 2021.

Let's be real, Dave, I'm not choosing a mask that just reduces the odds of getting it or spreading by 50% when their's one that's available that more effective but a little more costly. I'm willing to pay a little bit more to buy a Covid-19 mask that reduces the odds a lot more then still risk getting it on " coin flip" odds.

50% is still too forking high and too much of a dangerous risk for me in the context of 4 years ago right now.

In the dangerous sort of games daily life can be sometimes and faced with this planet's first major superflu pandemic since 1918-21, IMO, under those circumstances, there's a discernable difference between taking sensible measures or perhaps taking a more ultra-cautious approach that significantly lowers the chances of catching Covid.