The Future of Prisons???

I guess you have to ask yourself whether you want justice or vengence. And are they both the same thing. Let's say there is a convicted serial rapist. Do you want him to serve 30+ years behind bars or do you want him completely rehabbed in 2 months and back on the street? What if your daughter was one of the victims, how would you feel? What if your daughter was 10 years old?
My thoughts would be the same, I think. I want both, justice and vengence. Rehab him so that he would never even think of raping again, then sit him behind bars for 30+ years with all that regret and remorse we just beamed into his head.
Let me exaggerate and push your metaphor a bit
What if the offender was drugged or under hypnotic control (winter soldier like) and they were compelled into their heinous crimes by some outside entity
You could use the brain rescrambler to break the hood the entity had
Would you still want them to sit in prison thinking about the crimes they may not be fully aware they committed?