UPDATE: BI Likely to be Traded[Pel's Media expect a big push to move in Ingram in Early August]

If we can come out of this offseason without losing TM3, Hawk, and Herb... while adding either TY or DM.... and drafting a guy like Kyle Filipowski.... I'm going to call that a win. I think losing BI and JV is a given... and losing CJ is a coin flip.
I just looked and DM's numbers were just as good as TY's career numbers (looking at season averages) while TY was out for 21 games last season

That's why given the choice I would take DM, his better defense, and the cheaper contract. I'm not saying that TY isn't the better offensive players as 21 games is not a huge sample but it's close enough for me when you factor in the defense and money.