I chuckled at this Erik McCoy quote from a NOF Article

Then we should've been winning right?

Lemme clarify that a little apparently. If the OC isn't holding players accountable when mistakes are made...shouldn't the HC step in? And if he's unable to identify issues on offense, maybe he shouldn't be a HC.

Try to minimize CSP all you want, but even at our worst defensively he demanded accountability from BOTH sides of the ball.

And even on the off chance that DA isn't or wasn't the problem, then that means that we should've still been winning on a regular clip the past 2 seasons....right?

Re: McCoys quote - it's all post incident damage control, we saw the blowup.

I don't disagree that DA is ultimately responsible for the failures of the offense whether it's because he failed to let Pete go, failed to get Pete to hold his players accountable, or failed to step in when Peter wasn't holding the offensive players accountable. I just don't know why that would mean we should have been winning.

I think DA has shown he will hold players accountable on his side of the ball and he's a big reason why Payton was free to worry about the offense while knowing that the defensive players were being held accountable. But, I think DA did a bad job of realizing that as the HC he needs to make sure the defensive AND offensive players are held accountable. You would have hoped that he would have learned that you either have to do it or you have to hire someone else who will do it, but he had not learned that as of last year. Hopefully, Kubiak is that guy.

And, if Kubiak can't fix that problem and the offense continues to struggle, then hopefully Loomis will hold DA accountable and we get a new head coach next year.