Level of Excitement

As a long time Saints fan, I’m not sensing too much confidence or excitement from the fan base. I think it’s because Dennis no personality Allen is the face of the team or that the team has no personality. Can you believe it went from Duece to Drew to … mediocrity. Payton had a way of keeping us all excited…I really hope we do great things this year but who knows. We’ll see.
I'm excited about the new season because we are finally moving on with life after CSP. All of this run it back all the same and we'll be just fine, except without Sean, was a bad marketing attempt to keep fans engaged. The team needed a makeover but the front office handled the transition poorly. They were afraid to rip the bandaid off, so they eased in to it. It wasn't an easy job (for the front office), I'll give them that. How do you keep a fanbase engaged knowing that you had limited financial resources, an aging team (many loyal to CSP) and an offense that was set up to fail. It's why I have no issues with Dennis Allen. He stepped into the line of fire and did a half decent job considering what he had to work with. He took the bullets for Mickey and Gayle, and is being rewarded with a fair chance to finally get his people in place. I can't imagine having to play Sean's hand, with the mess left behind, was attractive to many others out there. I'm fired up to see Kubiak's offense. I'm also excited about some of the youth that has been added to the mix. I wish it was more, but we did what we could with what we had.