I think DA is Getting Year 4

There's not enough data on Allen as HC of the Saints to come to that determination. Youngest rookie head coach in the NFL for the most unstable franchise in the NFL version of Dennis Allen gets held against him far too often.

We get it, his overall record suggest he's a below average coach, no problem w/ that. Context makes that argument more fluffy however, so the best basis point for judging him is his 1st two years. That leaves him at middle of the roach coach after two years. A full evaluation of him will be more clear after the standard three years (no different with draft classes) and unless it's a total collapse it won't be enough to not give him a 4th year because he hasn't been atrocious.
That's pretty much where I'm at also. No matter who the head coach is, it doesn't change the fact that this is a roster in transition. PFF has the Saints roster ranked 24th and I don't think you will find any unbiased source that has the Saints roster ranked higher than 20th. This isn't a roster like Brandon Staley had with the Chargers.

That said, I think year three is going to reveal a lot about if the team is heading in the right direction, treading water or regressing.