I think DA is Getting Year 4

Observation from reading various threads like this during this offseason:

I get the DA detractors and share some of their issues with him. However, several members here seemingly would prefer that the Saints chase the overall No. 1 draft pick this coming season rather than win the division, just to see DA get fired. Said members' constant negative focus on DA has been beaten to death. Stop already! We get it!

So, why not pull for the guy to succeed? We should want the Saints to win, no matter who the head coach is, correct?

With the season on the horizon, it's usually a time for hope and optimism and a time to get behind and support our team! Save the hate for during the season if or when things go badly. Constantly reading the same few members pounding on DA over and over has become tiresome and is getting under my skin.
AMEN, Its keeping me away from the board tired of hearing all of the Negativity