At the Copa, Copa America ('24)

I feel even worse about the game/team this morning
Match against Uruguay seems insurmountable and it shouldn’t
But greggg v bielsa is 🙀
And the expected heat will probably dampen attacking style needed (even if greggg would adopt an attacking style)

But moreso the greggg experiment is obviously kaput - we abandoned possession style attack to one of absorbing pressure and playing out of the back - but now our backs are clearly the weakest link - we should have spent this finding Ream’s replacement but he remains our best player back there and his distribution is suspect- I’d high hopes both for Richards and CCV
But they ain’t it
Our strength is clearly from our mids forward and we need a coach who will emphasize that and not disappear our 2nd/3rd best player (recency bias has me putting Balo and CP over Gio)

I disagree on the CCV/Richards/Ream to an extent that THEY SHOULD be performing MUCH better than they are and their lack of play is directly related to coaching.

I agree that, as it is now, the USMNT strength is mids/fwd. No doubt. How we have gone from a back 4/5 players of relative strength, to what we are witnessing now, in just 2 years time, is baffling.

There are plenty of instances where teams have a CB that are up in age. And Ream, fwiw is 36. Not 40. So there is some tread left. For what he lacks in speed, makes up in positioning and anticipation.

So how are we here? ( you know the answer -we all know the answer. I suspect US Soccer knows the answer, they just dont want to face it and i dont know what will have to happen for change to come because if getting grouped at this Copa, on home soil doesnt move the needle, not sure what will )