'The Boys' new Amazon series coming in July...

Thought this episode was the dumbest to date, it did nothing for me.
I enjoyed it but not as much as last week's.

I feel like Ashley's role is going to be huge in the final outcome of all of this. Possibly in a way we don't see coming.
I haven't read the comics but I think A-Train's arc is also interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies while ending Homelander's life or doing something much more redemptive than simply leaking the video he leaked.
The killer flying sheep and killer chicken segment was hilarious to me.
Stan coming back was something I appreciated because I think Giancarlo Esposito can do no wrong on screen. And his touching reconciliation with Victoria at the end (touching as in you could see how she needed him back in her life) was a good move by the writers. I just liked it. Even though she blew that innocent dude's head up.
I think I might need to rewatch it because I didn't realize what made Ryan turn more sadistic than normal. I know he's shown signs of it before but this seemed more pronounced.
My only real problem with this episode is them injecting the virus into the dead guy and having the sheep eat him as if his circulatory system would pump the virus into all parts of his body. He was dead, the injection would have remained in that spot.
And what the entire **** was that thing coming out of the rabbit?!?!?

But overall, I enjoyed this episode.