Jamarcus Russell fired for embezzlement (in Mobile, AL)

What a waste of talent and what could have been a excellent life
He had a powerful arm, but you need to be a consummate, persistent hard worker watching game film, working out, practicing with assistants with passing drills, hire a great exercise and conditioning trainer, keep your weight under control. Russell never really tried to do any of that, plus he didnt exactly endear himself to his teammates while in Oakland plus many in the organization just never totally accepted him, including his HC, Lane Kiffin, who didnt want to draft him but was outmanuevered and forced to because the owner, Al Davis, pushed very hard to get him.

As far as I know, he never once watched game film and tried to develop as a player or at his position. Lane Kiffin once tricked him into revealing he didn't watch game film by giving him a bunch of blank DVD's he claimed were full of past practice/game-film footage. Russell lied one day after practice telling Kiffin he learned so much from watching those DVD's, Kiffin laughed at him and said, "Those tapes were blanks, if you had watched them, you would've told me and your teammates and asked for the real ones".