The random stuff from X thread

There are many layers of symbolism and intentionality to woman coming from the side of man. Christ, as the new Adam, pours out from his side blood and water thus birthing the Church. Mary, his mother is the new eve on the order of grace. She is woman who brings new life and is the ark of the new covenant.

The Church is thus decidedly feminine in its relation to God.

Using rib in English can obscure the intentional continuity between the stories and concepts. But I don't think it's necessarily a slight. Using rib has its own benefits in expressing the physical nature and like being of man and woman.

It's far more revealing to take these things at face value rather than to assign ideological cynicism.
well, so many things in the Bible are bent to whom is usually using it. i went to a lot of southern Baptists churches in my life when i was younger. when i tell you when i went to a non denominational church the first time, it blew my mind that the Bible wasn't fire and brimstone and full what not to do rather than peace love and acceptance and WHAT to do, it was a complete 180 for me on what the Bible really is . although i don't consider myself a religious person, the Bible is a good moral compass, but too many people use it as a criminal doctorate instead.
the rib story and how it's presented is how most people are taught..