Best Ever Win Against: Carolina Panthers

I’m partial to the September 24, 2017 at Carolina. Coming off of three straight 7-9 seasons and starting the 2017 season at 0-2 with losses to the Vikes and Pats. Our O-line was horrible in the preseason. Carolina was 2-0 and we thrashed them 34-13 and the Saints won the NFCS four straight years. This game started it all.

Three picks off of Cam Newton and Kamara’s first of many TDs.

This above, I had just canceled DirectTV and this was the London game on national television (my sister and BIL that live in France were at the game)....This game started the rebirth of the Saints and started a 4 year playoff run, it also became a Sunday tradition for me and my older son that was living with us at the time to hit the local sports bar and watch the games....memories.....