UPDATE: BI Likely to be Traded[Pel's Media expect a big push to move in Ingram in Early August]

That’s not true cj on average I’m sure takes way more shots then Brandon sometimes I wonder do people actually watch the games or just regurgitate something they heard from one of these podcast dudes and I’m sure he’s around the top on percentages when it comes to making those middys everybody hate
The three point shot has become so overrated people just want you to chuck it no matter how much it’s a bad shot

Those shots Trey Murphy shoots are horrible but it look good on a highlight
When he bricks em people gone be calling for his head next lol

LOL I am much more of a game watcher than a stat person. However CJ averaged 16.0 attempts per game last year - BI averaged 15.9 attempts per game.

BI’s usage rate was higher than CJ.

The ball was in BIs hand a lot. And we all agree he doesn’t take 3s (regardless of whether you think that’s a good or bad thing.). I don’t see the controversy in any of that.

BIs ceiling at this point would be leading the second unit for a true contender. He’s not suited to be the #1 option on a top 5 team ans his game doesn’t really complement most #1s as a second option.

I hope we get to see Trey get a lot more run this year to see if he really is That Guy or not. But we gotta unload BI to find out