UPDATE: BI Likely to be Traded[Pel's Media expect a big push to move in Ingram in Early August]

I hope you are right about lots of options being available. But the center market looks pretty grim and there does not seem to be any bidding war happening for BI. All the reports I see are about the Pels really wanting to trade him, not any teams really wanting to trade FOR him. We'll see.

I'm surprised that calling BI ball dominant is controversial at all. He gets the most touches on the team and is right behind Zion in usage but is not very efficient. And we just seemed to end a lot of end of possessions with BI forcing his way to a contested mid-range.

Anyway, hopefully that particular question becomes irrelevant sometime soon.

This is not a basic trade. BI has a contract extension attached either from the Pelicans or his new team. So that's why the trade having to happen after July 6th makes sense. Has far less to do with no market being available for a consistently 20/5/5 player. And a player that was near 28/7/7 on high efficiency to close the end of the prior 2 seasons.

Secondly I'm pretty sure I posted the dribbles per iso and just average iso possessions on here before. Both CJ and Zion were higher than Ingram on this team alone. When compared to other SFs BI is near the bottom. As far as usage, obviously BI would need to be at or near the top for this team. He's one of the best players on your team that is also your assist leader. Why would his usage not be high for the Pelicans?