UPDATE: BI Likely to be Traded[Pel's Media expect a big push to move in Ingram in Early August]


That rookie just turned 20 and has been playing basketball for 6 years. Let's not entertain such things for sanity reasons.
Why does it matter
if he stay on the bench what he gone learn
You can’t just sit and watch somebody drive a stick shift then hop in and do what they do
You gotta get the experience
and either you made for it or you ain’t

His parents played professional Im sure he understands a good bit and yes they may not be nba level but really a lot of foreign players have the fundamentals of the game down more than the kids here

A good reason is because here in America it’s about the flashy things let me shoot it from 40ft let me throw down this crazy dunk half these players travel and have low basketball iq heck look at our team last year lol
I think y’all gone be surprised by the kid