
There's been no further flair ups from the fire today. They say it is only 26% contained.

I say there is no visible fire or more than tiny wisps of smoke rising from smoldering hot spots here and there.

It sure was hot today, I would estimate the high outside was 109 or 110. The inside of the house got up to 88 with the swamp cooler going full blast. It will be too hot upstairs to sleep until about 3 AM.

This heat wave has got fires starting faster than they can get crews to them. Except for today Placerville had quite a scare similar to the one my town had two days ago. They got crews in for that right away.

I think they have it handled. Truly historic places in the hills get a bit more attention when there's a fire. National Parks get that heightened level of attention as well.

Not that other places don't get attention. Fire always gets attention.