The biggest player our season hinges on

We all know that the o-line is the biggest question mark on our team. However, I’m not worried about Fuaga or Saldiveri. For me it’s easily Trevor Penning. The one thing that makes me feel a little bit more easy is that he did show some glimpses of improvement before getting benched. Watch the New England game and you’ll see a little improvement, though not enough to keep him on the field. The arrival of Benton and Dennison should help. Both coaches are huge improvements over last year’s O-line coach, and the system is also designed to make o-line play easier.

Still, Penning has been reported as still having some problems in OTA’s and mini camp in falling down and missing some blocks even without being in pads. He concerns me. I still think that the saints should bring in Bachtiari as insurance just in case.
I disagree for one reason. In this scheme RT is a Jag. Go and look at all the teams that run this style of offense and check out who the RT is. Then go and look at what they are paying the LT.