2024 Tropical Weather Thread

That's usually tends to be the most annoying parts post-hurricane, even a relatively modest, weak one like a Category 1 storm like Beryl: all the downed tree limbs, brush, leaves and parts of fence torn-off and damaged and the temporary loss of power for a few days, maybe close to a week at most. Still, your homes are intact and remain standing and you're alive, which is the best possible outcome anyone whose forced to live through these violent, often devastating storms can hope for.

How long do you and your neighbors expect to be without power? I know, based on past experience after power was knocked out here in Mobile following Sally how one really feels the intensity, extreme nature of the heat and humidity following a storm of that caliber. It can make for a very uncomfortable, if not miserable, experience.
We have no idea how long it will be. Centerpoint's tracking site hasn't been working since the big storm that included a small tornado going through the area about a month ago, so we're actually looking at Whataburger's site that shows which locations are open to get an idea of where power is getting restored. Primadox said, "What could be more Texas than that?"
The power blinked twice last night, and we're assuming that was the company turning it on long enough for the diagnostic tools to identify the problems. Nothing so far today, just waiting...
Not to diminish real consequences from Beryl, but if whatever break weโ€™re getting with this rain lowering the heat is a residual effect of the storm then ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
Yes, especially with the power being off!