The biggest player our season hinges on

It’s Carr everyday, all day, in every single way shape & form. The Kubiak/Shanny/Mcvay O has always been OL friendly. It’s about establishing a strong running attack, but in terms of the passing game, it’s based on the QB making quick decisions & getting the ball out just as fast. Getting the into our playmakers hands ASAP will make our OL look worlds better & mask a ton of their weaknesses. I mean, the proof is out there, Drew did it for more than a decade. I get the fact that Carr isnt Drew, but the formulas the same.

Carr has flashes of brilliance, but also has a self destruct mechanism built into his game. He’s very, VERY, similar to Cousin. Only real difference is Carr doesnt have the wins Cousins has. Said it from the moment we signed him, & ill say it again, the team will go as far as Carr can take us.