USMNT - ‘23 and beyond

No, he is not wrong.

But he didn’t tell them to fix their sheet. “Big shift” involves a complete restructure. “They” are the power. They aren’t going to give that up. The disease is set in.

I’ll roll with GM saying that they brought in Emma Hayes as proof they’ll go outside. But they’ve hired well on that side outside of Vlatko.

It’s going to be a MLS guy. Garber sees an opening.

It's becoming more evident that USSF and MLS are effectively tied at the hip.

USSF is MLS marketing vehicle and attemp to bring it into international conversation.

The change that needs to happen is a complete separation. USSF needs to remove itself from MLS ties and let them fend for themselves. USSF can still run youth programs, as it should, but should not be mixing in decisions with regards to MLS.

They are attempting to be FA/EPL but when you have members that switch titles between the two, it makes it much harder to divest.

It will take years to purge this because as you said, no one looking to relinquish the power at this moment.