Are we going to talk about that thing that no one's talking about

Keeping with the unpolitical take, why does hate and violence take precedence over Peace and unity? Money, Power, and Social Media.

Social Media sells ads to generate their revenue. A standard ad on a normal Facebook page generates approximately 1.7 cents/ad, but an ad for an "Engaged User" jumps up to 4 cents per ad. How do you change someone from a normal person to an "Engaged User"? You make them angry and show them things that cause them to "click through" to see additional content. This is why FB content is so "click-baity", they are trying to generate an additional 2.3 cents per user. Political Parties are capitalizing on this and have realized if the peons are too busy fighting each other, they can remain in power, so long as they keep the people angry and give them a target to focus their anger.

So why does hate take precedence? Because Facebook or whatever other Social Media wanted to make an additional 2.3 cents/ad. Why is Political Violence more common in our society? Because both sides are arguing that the other side is an existential threat to our Democracy and both sides feel as if they have no other recourse. Voting doesn't work, the Courts don't work, even a common agreed upon reality is no longer possible. Because both sides are too busy making their base angry to keep them engaged, the base lashes out violently against the other side when we are truly all one America. We have just been bastageized by politicians doing whatever it takes to maintain power and keep us all "Engaged" for that extra 2.3 cents per ad. We all love our Country, we are just being told the diversity which is our greatest strength is actually destroying us.

Will this country survive? I don't know, but I have serious doubts. I miss the days when Politicians would duel each other, there were a lot fewer actual citizens being killed.
To get to your specific point, the answer is media literacy taught early and often- I’m really not sure anything else will work

To the broader point - while love (needed to form social bonds) is more important for the species to survive; fear (the primary ingredient in hate) is hardwired to protect the individual.
It’s also a much simpler, lizard brain response vs the more complex firings of the frontal lobe