Are we going to talk about that thing that no one's talking about
But no one’s talking about it
It’s implied in the thread title
People are doing the partisan dance and they don't even realize it.
Personally, I'm all for all political discussions being on this forum and just banning/suspending the bad actors. I enjoy good level headed logical discussions about world events that sometimes cross the line into politics.
But, that's not my decision, it's not my site, and I understand and respect why the decision was made. Having to babysit a bunch of people who can't control themselves is not something anyone should have to do on a site that was started to have fun and talk about football.
So, given that I think this attempt to have a veiled discussion is failing and is turning into exactly the partisan discussion it will inevitably become, I don't see this thread going anywhere but getting shut down. Because sooner or later someone is going to read all these veiled partisan positions and respond in kind but not so veiled.