Are we going to talk about that thing that no one's talking about

Gotcha. Still, I'm going to deflect your actual question and say this. I've always had opinions about worldly things but wouldn't necessarily say I loved to talk politics. I knew my Dad was GOP and that he always made a point of voting, but he and I wouldn't really talk politics either.

Then I can remember getting a tad older and having a discussion with an adult who decidedly was expressing some political opinions and then made a startling admission: THEY NEVER VOTED. I thought that was ludicrous. How can you be so vociferously opinionated and then completely opt out of the civic process? I have been a sporadic voter myself but that conversation always stuck with me.

Anyway, I don't really like politics and don't really consider myself political but yet I obvs do talk about it. Politics is an ugly business always but especially these last 8 years. I am 60 years old. Lived through the 1960s but blissfully unaware of how turbulent a period of time that was. I have no interest in becoming radicalized or "boxed in" to either side. Never did. However, I mos def "identify" more as Republican; and after Saturday, I and a lot of others have felt, for whatever reason, it was time to stop whispering it and just come out and state it. Taking the measure of a person isn't predicated upon what box they tick.