Skip Bayless Leaving Fox Sports

He's always been a Cowboy fanboy and a blowhard, armchair quarterback. What sunk him was his complete and total disrespect to Shannon Sharpe on air, who has played in the NFL, bled, been injured, a Super Bowl Champion AND in the Hall of Fame!

Skip went after him to defend his then love of Tom Brady and completely attacked and disrespected a man who has earned his proverbial stripes and who can examine the game from a champion players point of view versus a fanboy. Completely wrong on all levels.

Every since Shannon Sharpe left, we see who the creative voice, the attraction and the authority of the game and other sports was. Skip Bayless is side show and nothing more. I didn't care for him while he was with Sharpe and now, I really can't stand the man. Let him go back to Dallas and toil on that region. The country is done with him......