Major League Baseball 2024

That week-long layoff last year did in the O’s, Astros, and Braves. All 3 won 100 games in the regular season, then the 3 combined to win exactly one playoff game. When you’re used to playing 6 games a week and you’re doing well, it’s good to roll right into the playoffs.
FWIW, Terps, since you're a lifelong Md. native, I have to ask and I can understand if it might take you some time to properly, correctly answer it or posit a informative, retrospective response: how would you rate the late Peter Angelos overall as Orioles owner?

He certainly was colorful and a tad controversial at times, and his tenure as owner was filled with maybe a few more downs then positives, but he did help get Camden Yards built right before Baltimore almost lost the Orioles the way Colts originally left in the late 80's. Angelos certainly was a huge opponent of MLB returning to Washington D.C. (for business/marketing reasons). in 2005 and IIRC, was the sole MLB owner who voted against Expos relocating there and not that he lost sleep over it, but it certainly pissed off more then a few DMV D.C. sports fans and residents, including prominent sports journalists and reporters who were happy to see MLB baseball return to our nation's capital after being gone for 34 years.