Karen Memes
I might be Part-Karen. I think Lemonade Stands are a good way for kids to get an introduction to earning money and just having fun but in my old neighborhood there was a family that lived in the house by the main entrance and their kids would set up a Stand on occasion. I remember coming home from work one afternoon and the sun was just starting to set. As I pull into the neighborhood this kid jumps out of the bushes in the middle of the road to get me stop. I almost hit the kid. I jumped out of my truck to see if he was ok and he asks if I wanted to buy some lemonade. Still shaking because I thought that I hit the kid I tell him no thank you and then I hear "come on, it is for a kid". I turn around and the kids Mother is sitting on her fat arse in a chair and watched the entire encounter.
I gave her a good old fashioned death stare and then turned to the kid and told him to go play in his yard because there was a lot of traffic coming into the neighborhood at this time and it is hard to see him got in my truck and went home. Later that night my wife shows me a rant on the Neighborhood Facebook group about the "cheap butt crevasse and belittled her child". I contacted the HOA and got that gaggle of karen's all riled up and now you can't have Lemonade Stands in that neighborhood any more. I moved out 5 months later.