My guess: Caitlin & Angel will garner co-Rookie of the Year honors

Personally, I think the Reese “you can’t see me” gesture and Clark crying during games have both been way overblown by bad faith posters online. I don’t think Angel or Caitlyn flash “attitude” nearly as much as people try to project.

To be clear, I am not putting you in that category. I respect your opinions and the back-and-forth in this thread.

Just because others exaggerate an opinion doesn’t mean yours is invalid.

Totally agree, it's gamesmanship (or gameswomanship in this case).....the same folks legit freaking out (because the sports media knows this but disingenuously hypes it up) about this would be shocked if they went to see a high level U-15 girls soccer match.....

That whole "outrage" against Reese was and is total BS.....