From ESPN Colin Cowherd picks Saints last because of DA

This could be the media’s getback for picking the Saints to be the division winners the last few years. After the Saints failed to back talking heads’ picks up for consecutive seasons, now it’s safe to predict the Saints to finish last and shame the roster talent, regardless of actual roster potential and a better OC.

The recent 7-10–9-8 seasons made the Cowherds and Peter Kings’ preseason picks look like duds. When the Saints have a good ‘24 season, the media will act like the Saints are a surprise team who proved their public picks wrong and gloss all over the Saints just because they picked them to finish last before the season. As if the media’s standings predictions at any point determines how good the Saints will be.
Exactly what I was thinking. They got burned for picking us recently so now they are over correcting. These are all the same guys who will get on the bandwagon if we have a surprising start to the year.