Police Shootings / Possible Abuse Threads [merged]
I cannot believe this shooting. It's absolutely 100% unjustified and I am apalled.
A few things I noticed from the video.
1. Why were they even in her house to begin with? Supposedly they were just getting her ID and could have done so without entering her house. None of this happens if the interaction is limited to the front porch of her house. Folks - do not let police in your house for any reason without a warrant. IMO they were in the house because they suspected drug usage and were trying to see drugs so they could bust her. Another cop fishing expedition ends in tragedy.
2. Dude had his hand on his gun long before even drawing it on her, let along pulling the trigger. These cops need re-trained that while you must be aware of your surroundings, all citizens are innocent until proven guilty, so this "officer safety" tagline is a bunch of BS. This dude literally shot the person that called them for help. Because of hot water. Hot. Water. These police are so scared now that they shoot based on falling acorns, women with hot water, etc. Keep your guns in your GD holster you jagoff.
3. We literally have a complex court system to convict alleged criminals and send them jail (which may take months), but for some reason police are allowed to make split-second decisions about KILLING someone and it's tolerated.