A layer of diamond beneath the crust of Mercury could be up to 10 miles (18km) thick, new research suggests.
Scientists from China and Belgium used data collected by NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft between 2004 and 2015 to inform their theories about the structure of the planet's interior.
The researchers think two processes could have resulted in the diamond layer.
"First is the crystallisation of the magma ocean, but this process likely contributed to forming only a very thin diamond layer at the core/mantle interface," Olivier Namur, a member of the research team and an associate professor at KU Leuven, told
"Secondly, and most importantly, the crystallisation of the metal core of Mercury."
When the planet was formed around 4.5 billion years ago, the metal core was entirely liquid which progressively crystallised over time, according to Mr Namur.
The new research - published on 14 June - suggests that under extreme pressure, the carbon present in the mantle turned into diamond.
This diamond then floated to the top of the core - creating a layer between it and the mantle.…….