Peyton Manning & New Orleans

I moved away more than 20 years ago. A lot can happen in 20 years. You establish new work environments, new friendships in new places (especially your college years and a love for your alma mater). You learn to like things and places that you never thought you would like before you left New Orleans, for some people anyway. There seems to be two types of people that leave New Orleans, those who run back as quick as they can and those who are invigorated by the change. Can you imagine how much has happened in these men's lives over the last 20+ years? Meeting spouses and having children in new places, new levels of fame and success achieved, Super Bowl wins with non New Orleans franchises, and so on. I know there will be a lot of people who don't like or understand what I'm going to say, but having experienced some of these life changing events after New Orleans has changed me. It added new layers to who I've grown in to being at this point. I will always have a soft spot for my hometown. I could never think of supporting an NFL team other than the Saints. But, as a person, I feel like I'm a blend of places now. I love where I am (Montgomery, TX) and actually claim it as "one of my hometowns". It's part of my story, and a part I actually love (and choose to continue) as well. With all of their success I'm sure they've experienced similar feelings, multiplied many times over.
I left when I was 17 and was away for 17 years
I always had a sense that I would return to ‘give back’
I’d had a mostly pleasant experience growing up here
My sister, otoh, left and never looked back she’s fine to visit but no inclination to move back (did not have the best HS experience)

And while I said what I said - if there was a ‘move up’ (another city with diverse society/culture) that was affordable, I’d be gone with a quickness