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Yeah it's 50 here. My Dr. recommended it. My nephew has suffered twice. Both times he had to sleep
in a recliner. I'm not dealing with that.
I'm not a fan of a recliner sleep. I liked that when I was a kid and was sick at home from school. Could watch TV, black and white TV.

The problem with flat on one's back, or in a recliner sleep is one's tongue will drop into their throat and sleep apnea will result. Loud snoring goes hand in hand. As Bill Cosby would say, "breath dad breath." It was his childhood nightmare, dad not making it through the night.

I challenge you, google images, key words, ape's sleeping. If you observe what you see, you'll learn how to properly sleep.

Hint, it's on your belly, or a wee bit leaning to one side or the other, but mostly on your belly. The idea being if one writhes around in sleep a bit they wind up on their belly not their back.

It works pretty good and I don't need a sleep apnea machine.