Why dont more airlines do this...music during boarding

i read somewhere once that you can play over the air radio in your business without a license if its less than like 2000 square foot or something like that.
I don't know if that would pertain to the whole airport or just the plane since thats the only area the PA covers.. i would assume it would be the same rules as a bus playing the radio for its riders, just bigger. but thats way above my knowledge..lol

Back in the day (1991) i worked at a grocery store and they had a tape player hooked to the speakers, but it was only 6 somgs and it played on a loop 24/7. they would swap it out like every 6 months, but it was a service that a company came out and did...
Thats why i know every word to 'you never call me by my name, sea cruise, long hair redneck, jack daniels if you please, one piece at a time', and a few others..lol.. apparently the store manager liked old country..lol..