Police Shootings / Possible Abuse Threads [merged]

A group of United Nations experts is calling on the US federal, state and local authorities to take “immediate and comprehensive” action to resolve a long-standing scandal where people are languishing behind bars after being allegedly tortured by Chicago police to extract false confessions.

The group of UN special rapporteurs, who specialize in addressing the scourges of contemporary racism and torture, has released a report detailing a long history of brutal and racist police misconduct.

They became involved at the behest of an activist mothers’ organization in Chicago that was exasperated at what they saw as the patchy response of the authorities over the years to shocking injustice.

Numerous cases are highlighted in the 26-page report and there are many more regarded as unresolved for decades. The group of special rapporteurs cited “information we have received regarding historical and continuing allegations of the systemic corruption and use of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment by law enforcement officials in the Chicago area”.

The report says that such treatment has resulted “in wrongful convictions and unjust incarceration of affected individuals, who are disproportionally of African and Latino/Hispanic descent”. The names of individual police officers accused of mistreatment have been redacted.…….
