It’s not a defense of mediocrity, but when all conversations are perceived as arguments, I can understand how you’d get there.
Defending mediocrity would require me to say that I like being in this position more than all other possibilities, which is pretty clearly not what I’ve said anywhere in the reply I wrote. What I did is called acknowledging reality and maintaining perspective that good things cannot last forever (reality) and, given the rest of the available options now that sustained greatness is off the table, I’d rather the team be mediocre and in position to win the mediocre division and get into the playoffs, a possibility heading into week 18 each of the past two seasons, than incapable of scoring or stopping anyone and reading draft profiles before Thanksgiving because the team is unwatchable (maintaining perspective).
Maybe you’d rather blow it all up and sit through some 4-win seasons. I just took a look around the Patsfans message board and let me tell you, those fans really don’t seem to be having a good time right now, and they’re coming down from a six Super Bowl win era. This fanbase, not having climbed quite as high and also not fallen anywhere near as far, is both acting like it’s much worse right now and are encouraging each other that we as a fanbase are in the pit of despair. That’s just not reality.