Things That Make You Feel Old

Had a "now you're old" moment this past week.

We went on vacation last week to the beach and the waves were perfect! So, of course, last Monday, I get up at 7:00 am, grab my board and head to the water. It's 8:00 am, I am in three to four foot, peeling waves, 75 degree water, it was perfect! I was out there for four hours, just riding and riding. And then Old Man Time showed up and kicked me. All over. I was shot!! Body was weak, I was dehydrated (which was helped by vacation alcohol consumption), super tired and just worn out. I’m 52 years old, haven’t surfed/bodyboarded in two years yet I charged it like I was 25 years old. It took days for me to feel halfway right again. I go to the gym every day! I work out! I do cardio! Yet, I was using muscles I forgot about. I could recover from that, no problem…….in my 20’s to 40’s. Now?

It was right then that reality came crashing in on me and I felt…….OLD. Surfing/bodyboarding is something I love to do but I just couldn’t keep up.

It’s a very humbling, scary feeling when old shows up……..
This truly is how you know you're getting older. Some years ago I was practicing soccer with my daughter. Blew my achilles just running in the backyard with her. Blamed it on not stretching beforehand. 2 years later I blew it again chasing a pop fly working with her at softball. That was the last time I ran. Not sure if you've ever popped an achilles but it hurts enough to put you on notice. Fast paced walk is now my top speed.